Unsigned Waiver 430-05-75-15-35
(Revised 01/01/04 ML2893)
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If an individual chooses not to sign either Part A or B of the waiver OR the individual fails, within two weeks, to respond to a request for a meeting OR fails to attend a scheduled meeting without satisfactory explanation within three days after the scheduled meeting:
- A hearing will be requested (in person or by telephone).
- Mail a copy of the SFN 1940 - TANF/Food Stamp Notice of Suspected IPV to the individual.
- Mail SFN 1087 - Legal Service Organizations to the indiviudal.
- Mail the following to the Appeals Supervisor at the State Office:
- SFN 1940
- A letter detailing the violation.
- Copies of relevant parts of the Change Report Form, Application, etc.
- Copies of evidence obtained.
- A request for legal counsel if necessary.